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002 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Cumea Siena
Artist: Giovanni di Stefano
Year: 1482
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Follows the right aisle and derives its name from the city of Cuma wind nell'Eolide, not to be confused with the Cumaean Sibyl, who lived instead in Cumae in Campania. Here is represented as an old woman looking upset, with her hair loose and scattered on his shoulders. He holds a scroll. It reads: Fatum et mortis finiet, trium DIERUM somno suscepto tunc amortuis regressus inlucem veniet primum Resurrectionis initium ostendens ("He will complete the fate of death after a sleep of three days. Then, returning from the dead, will come to light showing for the first time the beginning of the Resurrection "): an obvious allusion to the Resurrection. Behind it two angels hold a plaque with the name of the Sibyl. The realization is related to Vito di Marco and Luigi Ruggiero said Armellino, design attributed to Giovanni di Stefano.
002 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Cumea